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Skill level: advanced Drupal admin In this post, we walk through the steps to set up predefined Styles for CKEditor so that users can format content using styles supported by your theme’s CSS.
29 Oct 2015
Skill level: easy Drupal admin Most Drupal sites use CKeditor, the HTML text editor that provides WYSIWYG editing functionality to users. CKEditor is so popular that it will be included with Drupal 8.
28 Oct 2015
Skill level: intermediate admin Website performance is contingent upon many factors.
15 Oct 2015
How often have you heard the words “social media is the new word-of-mouth”? In the digital world, social proof is a big contributor to brand credibility.
14 Oct 2015
Skill level: easy Big image files affect download speed.
8 Oct 2015
This week Google announced the new App Indexing API. More to the point, Google announced that mobile apps implementing the new API will get a ranking boost.
2 Oct 2015
LinkedIn is a great platform for building your brand, especially if you’re a B2B company.
30 Sep 2015
Only nine months after reaching 300 million users, Instagram now has 400 million monthly active users.
23 Sep 2015
Skill level for content editors: Intermediate I’m a big fan of MailChimp.
8 Sep 2015
Local governments have a long wish list when it comes to websites and no wonder.
2 Sep 2015

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